| BIG x CHINA #partnership - THANK YOU! |

? What a success! Thanks to the Haiyang Township for sharing their knowledge, thanks to Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza for co-organizing the event and thanks to the participants! ?

A very warm thank you to our speakers:

Cimino Roberto, President of BIG TC
Anne-Marie Bruyas, Responsible for International Relations, Città della Scienza
Felice Arena, Full Professor of Ocean Engineering, Università degli Studi 'Mediterranea'​ di Reggio Calabria
Diego Bosco, CEO Consorzio Italbiotec
giuseppe scapigliati, Associate Professo, University of Viterbo "La Tuscia"​

And thanks to all the other associated who wanted to share their experiences! Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del MezzogiornoDLTM - Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine ScrlUniversità Ca'​ Foscari di Venezia, Biosearch!

The work has just started and we need all the partners to carry out the initiatives, which will focus on:

? Climate Change & Renewables
? Fish Production Chain
?Blue Biotechnologies

Stay tuned for more initiatives coming soon! ?

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